Booking information
Schimpfösslhof in Fiss
Here, you will find some information about your booking and answers to any questions you may have. If this information is not sufficient, you can contact us. We are happy to help you. Please read through these pages so that you are informed and can relax during your well-deserved holiday. We look forward to hearing from you or to welcoming you here as a guest.
error_outlinecancellation terms - Schimpfösslhof
Look forward to your holiday and enjoy planning security with your booking.
- Free cancellation is possible up to 90 days before arrival.
- For cancellations between 90 and 30 days before the start of the trip, 40% f the booking amount will be charged.
- For cancellations up to 30 days before travel, 70% of the reservation total is due.
- For cancellations up to 7 day before travel, 90% of the reservation total is due.
- For cancellations on the day of arrival, 100% of the reservation total is due.
*This applies until revoked.
Current Covid info from the region
General notes:The non-binding offer is subject to the availability of the apartment that was offered at the time of acceptance.
Austrian Hotel Regulations: (German - English)
Landeck is the place of jurisdiction.
The place of performance is the place where the accommodation is located.clean_handsHygiene and safety measures in Schimpfösslhof
- hand sanitiser dispensers at the entrances and in the apartments
- regular airing of communal areas
- disinfection of frequently touched objects and surfaces (light switches, doorhandles, handrail in the stairway, ....)
- wear a face mask during check-in and check-out
- keep a minimum distance
- cough and sneeze into your elbow or tissue
- wash and sanitise hands several times a day
Unfortunately, we cannot shake your hand or give you a hug – but we will welcome you with a warm smile!
drive_etaArrival and departure
- CHECK IN: 15:00
- CHECK OUT: 09:00
- If you are arriving after 18:00, please let us know in advance.
euroReservation and payment information:
When making a booking, we request a deposit of approx. 30 % of the invoice amount by means of an EU standard bank transfer.
Upon receipt of the deposit, the apartment is reserved for you and the booking is binding.
The invoice balance shall be paid in cash or in advance by bank transfer.
The prices are per day and apartment, including VAT and the Schimpfösslhof included services. The visitor's tax of € 2.60 will be charged separately from the age of 15, as will the final cleaning.
Volksbank Tirol, A-6533 Fiss under Josef Schimpfössl.
For EU standard transfers, please state the following:
IBAN no. (encrypted account no.) AT86 4239 0001 0000 0436 and BIC (sort code) VBOEATWWINNloyaltyCarefree booking – travel insurance:
Should something come up, despite all the holiday fun, it's good to be prepared! To avoid costs and hassle in the event of cancellation or early departure, but also for more security on your Austrian holiday, we recommend you take out the inexpensive Hotel Cancellation Plus (incl. helicopter rescue) or the even more comprehensive Hotel Cancellation Premium insurance (incl. accident package).
As a special service, we are happy to take out the cancellation insurance for you. Please let us know your preferred option and provide us with the names and dates of birth of all persons to be insured when taking out the insurance.
It is also possible to conveniently get insurance cover online.
no_luggageCancellation terms according to the Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions (ÖHVB)
Cancellation terms:
The cancellation terms of the Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions (ÖHVB) apply.
- up to 3 months before arrival free-of-charge
- 3-1 month before arrival: 40% of the total
- 1 month - 1 week before arrival: 70% of the total
- 1 week before arrival: 90% of the total
- Cancellation on day of arrival: 100% of the total
With cancellations up to 12 weeks before the start of the holiday, your deposit is returned.
General notes:The non-binding offer is subject to the availability of the apartment that was offered at the time of acceptance.
Austrian Hotel Regulations: (German - English)
Landeck is the place of jurisdiction.
The place of performance is the place where the accommodation is located.